The Problem of Missing Teeth

Missing teeth cause a number of oral health issues when left untreated. A space left after an extraction makes it possible for the surrounding teeth to shift and tilt toward the gap, having a negative impact on the health of your bite and chewing capabilities.

Tilted teeth often expose roots, making them more likely to develop decay, which is particularly difficult to treat.

To replace missing teeth, we offer both dental implants and dental bridges in our Round Rock, TX dental office.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges require crowns on two healthy adjacent teeth that suspend a prosthetic tooth in place. We design your dental bridge to match your natural teeth for a seamless look to your smile. In many cases, we can use all-porcelain restorations to eliminate the dark, metal margins visible at the gumline. Dental bridges add confidence for patients with missing teeth.

Dental bridges make it easier to speak properly, especially when replacing an anterior (front) tooth where the tongue pronounces words. It also eliminates an embarrassing lisp and excess saliva.

Your dental bridge will prevent your teeth from tilting and improve dietary choices. With the proper care, your dental bridge can last many years – even 7-10 years or more!

Limitations of Dental Bridges

Unlike dental implants, dental bridges do not retain bone because they do not replace the root of the tooth. While they do complete the smile and the chewing surface, dental bridges are more of an esthetic solution than one that will provide long-term benefits to the bone and facial structure.

Dental bridges require special care both on the sides and under the bridge where food is more likely to collect. Floss threaders or small interproximal brushes make oral hygiene easier.

For more information about how to replace missing teeth with dentures, dental implants, or dental bridges, contact our Round Rock, TX dental office to book an appointment.