general dentist


We get it- you have a busy life! Between wrangling the kids for school, making sure they’re brushing their teeth well, going to work, coming home, making dinner, doing homework and chores, bedtime, and everything in between, you probably don’t want to add a ton of extra stuff into your daily routine. Luckily, you don’t have to! Just by making a few small tweaks during the day, you can easily improve your dental habits.

Keep Dental Supplies Handy

Keep a travel toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss on your desk at work to brush after lunch. If you carry a bag, such as a purse or a briefcase, try to at least keep flossers handy for emergencies. Having these supplies easily accessible will help you keep your teeth healthy and clean any time of the day. You can get through the hectic day with a gorgeous smile and confidence.

Invest in Ready-To-Use Toothbrushes

These pre-pasted disposable brushes are great to keep everywhere. They’re easy to use and disposable and don’t require any rinsing. You won’t have to worry about having access to a sink or water, and you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that this small investment can help prevent bigger dental expenses in the future.

Prepare for Forgetful Nights

We’ve all done it. You get your daily tasks completed, crawl into bed, and get super comfortable- only to realize that you forgot to brush. Keep a package of those pre-pasted brushes or flossers in your nightstand drawer for quick cleaning without having to get back up! You’ll sleep better knowing you took care of your dental health as well as your overall health with one quick step.

Pick Your Sodas Wisely

Sodas are known for being bad for your health in many ways. It’s recommended that you avoid drinking them, but we all have days where we don’t always follow that advice. We may find ourselves wanting a soda at a party or dinner. When you do find yourself drinking sodas, you can help diminish their effects by aiming for clear drinks (or even mineral water!) and drinking them quickly versus sipping them throughout the day. When you’re done, swish with water to clear your mouth of leftover sugars until your next brushing.

They say the best way to achieve large goals is to break them down into smaller segments. The same is true for your oral health! By breaking your overall routine into small, easy-to-implement tasks, your mouth, and dentist will thank you!