Braces are for kids and teens, right?

It is never too late to have a straight, healthy smile. Many adult patients come to us wanting to improve the way they look and are surprised to learn about the many health benefits of properly aligned teeth. Here are some of the challenges that patients with crooked or overlapping teeth can experience.

Difficult Home Hygiene

When teeth overlap or are too crowded, slipping the dental floss between them can feel like a wrestling match. The floss might shred or get stuck between teeth, discouraging people from flossing and then leading to more oral conditions.

When teeth are too far apart, food particles can collect between teeth and be embarrassing. Not only that, but you might have difficulty keeping those areas clean.

Jaw Problems or Teeth Grinding

Misalignment of the teeth can lead to teeth grinding. The body seeks equilibrium and high spots on the chewing surface will prevent the jaw from coming together smoothly. Many clenching and grinding habits are due to misalignment and discomfort for the jaw. This can progress into TMJ disorders such as clicking and popping joints and pain.

Decay and Difficulty with Fillings and Crowns

Overlapping teeth will more easily develop decay because they provide more places for bacteria to hide. When decay does occur, placing a restoration can be limited with misaligned teeth. Fillings and crowns are more easily placed on properly aligned teeth and tend to last longer.

Adult Orthodontics in Round Rock, TX

Since our adult patients lead different lifestyles than our teen and child patients, we offer two convenient alternatives to solve the misalignment problem no matter what age you are.

Invisalign – A series of removable clear aligners gradually move teeth into alignment. Trays are removable and smooth for convenience and comfort.

Six Month Smiles – If you’re looking for a fast cosmetic solution, Six Month Smiles can align your front teeth quickly in about six months.

If you are seeking adult orthodontics in Round Rock, TX, give Old Settlers Dental a call to arrange an appointment. 

Related Services: Round Rock Orthodontics – Invisalign & Six Month Smiles Braces