Everyone wants a stunning smile that makes people take notice when you walk in a room. If your smile isn’t quite living up to your expectations, however, there are steps you can take.

Of course, the obvious solution is professional teeth whitening treatment at our Round Rock, TX dental office. We offer effective teeth whitening solutions like KoR and NiteWhite. Both work differently but have the same goal of transforming a dull, stained, or discolored smile.

But whether or not you decide to invest in a professional whitening treatment, there are things you can do to ensure that your teeth are as white and bright as possible:

Keeping Your Smile Bright

  1. Brush and floss regularly – You may get tired of hearing it, but we never get tired of saying it – the fastest and easiest way to enjoy a beautiful smile and keep it healthy is to brush and floss twice a day. Nothing will ruin a smile faster than a lack of proper oral hygiene.
  2. Avoid foods that stain your teeth – We all know that the usual culprits for stained teeth are coffee, colas, and red wine. But you may be surprised to learn that other adult beverages like beer and white wine can damage your enamel and cause tooth discoloration
  3. Stop smoking – You know you need to quit for more reasons than you can even count. But here’s one more – you will never enjoy a beautiful bright smile while you smoke or use other tobacco products.

Dental Cleaning and Whitening in Round Rock

If you’re interested in a whiter smile, we highly recommend starting with a professional cleaning at our Round Rock, TX dental office. Professional teeth whitening not only helps improve the appearance of your teeth, but your teeth also need to be completely free of plaque and tartar for the brightest, longest lasting results.

Please give us a call to arrange an appointment so we can get started!

Related Services: Teeth Whitening