Invisalign Retainers: Why They're Important and How to Care for Them - Old Settlers Dental

Invisalign Retainers: Why They’re Important and How to Care for Them

Are you tired of traditional braces that are uncomfortable, hard to clean, and restrict your diet? Look no further than Invisalign! This revolutionary teeth-straightening treatment uses clear aligners that are customized to fit snugly over your teeth. Not only do they straighten your smile without anyone noticing, but they also come with retainers to keep your teeth in place after treatment. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of Invisalign retainers and provide tips on how to care for them properly. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s dive in!

What are Invisalign retainers?

Invisalign retainers are an essential part of the Invisalign teeth-straightening treatment. They help to maintain and stabilize your teeth in their new position after you’ve completed your Invisalign treatment.

These retainers are made of a clear plastic material that fits snugly over your teeth, just like the clear aligners used during the initial treatment phase. The purpose is to stop any shifting or movement of your teeth once they have been aligned with the clear aligners.

In most cases, patients will receive two types of Invisalign retainers: Vivera Retainers and Essix Retainers. Vivera Retainers are custom-made using 3D imaging technology to ensure a perfect fit for each patient’s unique smile. Essix Retainers look similar but do not require 3D imaging since they don’t need as much customization.

It’s important to wear these retainers regularly as directed by your dentist or orthodontist in order to maintain proper alignment and prevent future dental issues from arising due to shifting teeth.

Invisalign retainers play a crucial role in ensuring that you keep the beautiful smile you worked so hard for!

The benefits of Invisalign retainers

Invisalign retainers have become an increasingly popular choice for people looking to straighten their teeth. Compared to traditional metal braces, Invisalign offers a much more discrete and comfortable experience.

One of the key benefits of Invisalign is that they are nearly invisible when worn. This means that you can confidently go about your day without feeling self-conscious about your smile while undergoing treatment.

Another major benefit of wearing Invisalign retainers is that they are removable. Unlike traditional braces which are fixed in place until treatment is complete, with Invisalign you can take out the retainer whenever you want. This makes it easier to brush and floss your teeth properly, reducing the risk of plaque buildup or tooth decay.

In addition, because each set of aligners is custom-made specifically for your teeth, this results in a smoother and more gradual movement towards straighter teeth compared to traditional braces. The result? A better-looking smile!

Many patients report experiencing less discomfort during treatment with Invisalign compared to metal braces due to their smooth plastic material.

There are many benefits associated with choosing Invisalign over traditional braces making them an excellent option for those seeking orthodontic treatment!

How to care for Invisalign retainers

Proper care of your Invisalign retainers is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and ensuring the longevity of your treatment. Here are some tips on how to take care of your Invisalign retainers:

1. Brush and rinse: After removing the aligners, make sure to brush them gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or cleansing crystals to remove any buildup or bacteria. Rinse them thoroughly with lukewarm water before putting them back in.

2. Avoid heat: Keep your Invisalign retainers away from hot liquids, such as coffee or tea, as they can warp the plastic material.

3. Store properly: Use the case provided by your orthodontist when not wearing the aligners to protect them from damage.

4. Clean teeth before wearing: Always brush and floss your teeth before inserting the aligners to prevent trapping food particles that can lead to bacteria growth and bad breath.

By following these simple steps, you’ll keep your Invisalign retainers clean, hygienic, and effective throughout their use!


Taking care of your Invisalign retainers is crucial to ensure they last the full length of your treatment and continue to effectively straighten your teeth. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can keep your Invisalign retainers clean, odor-free, and free from damage.

Remember to always rinse your retainers with water before brushing them gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals as these can cause damage or discoloration to the retainers. Additionally, be sure to store them properly when not in use.

With proper care and attention, wearing Invisalign aligners can be an effective way to achieve a beautiful smile without any noticeable metal braces or wires getting in the way!