Dental Emergencies First Aids

An Overview Of Common Dental Emergencies And Their First Aids


Dental emergencies can be very frustrating and painful. As such, it is important to know the most common types of dental emergencies and how to administer first aid in such situations. This article provides an overview of some common dental emergencies, their causes, symptoms and ways to provide first aid.

Cracked, Broken or Chipped Tooth

The most common type of dental emergency is a cracked, broken or chipped tooth. It can happen due to many factors such as trauma, decay or biting down on something hard. The symptoms include sharp pain in the affected area and sensitivity to temperature changes. To provide first aid for this type of dental emergency, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling. It is also important to save any pieces of the broken tooth as they may be used for repair.

 Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of a cracked, broken or chipped tooth are usually quite obvious. They include sharp pain in the affected area, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and visible damage to the tooth.

 First Aid

The first step in providing first aid for this type of dental emergency is to rinse your mouth with warm water. This helps to reduce swelling and pain. It is also important to apply a cold compress over the area to reduce any further swelling. If any pieces of the broken tooth are present, save them as they may be used in repair.

When to See a Dentist

It is important to seek professional help as soon as possible after experiencing a cracked, broken or chipped tooth. This will ensure that the issue is treated quickly and effectively.


A toothache is another common type of dental emergency. It can occur due to a variety of factors such as decay, an injury or a cracked tooth. The symptoms of a toothache include sharp pain in the affected area, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and swelling around the affected tooth.

 Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of a toothache are usually quite obvious. They include sharp pain in the affected area, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and swelling around the affected tooth.

First Aid

The first step in providing first aid for a toothache is to rinse your mouth with warm water. This helps to reduce swelling and pain. It is also important to apply a cold compress over the area to reduce any further swelling. Additionally, it may be beneficial to take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

When to See a Dentist

It is important to seek professional help as soon as possible after experiencing a toothache. This will ensure that the issue is treated quickly and effectively.

Lost Filling or Crown

A lost filling or crown is another common type of dental emergency. It can happen due to many factors such as decay, an injury or biting down on something hard. The symptoms include sharp pain in the affected area and sensitivity to temperature changes. To provide first aid for this type of dental emergency, it is important to save any pieces of the lost filling or crown as they may be needed for repair. Additionally, it may be beneficial to use a tooth-colored dental filling material to fill the cavity until you can get to a dentist.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of a lost filling or crown are usually quite obvious. They include sharp pain in the affected area, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and visible damage to the tooth.

First Aid

The first step in providing first aid for this type of dental emergency is to rinse your mouth with warm water. This helps to reduce swelling and pain. It is also important to save any pieces of the lost filling or crown as they may be needed for repair. Additionally, it may be beneficial to use a tooth-colored dental filling material to fill the cavity until you can get to a dentist.

When to See a Dentist

It is important to seek professional help as soon as possible after experiencing a lost filling or crown. This will ensure that the issue is treated quickly and effectively.


Dental emergencies can range from minor to serious, but they all need prompt attention in order to prevent further damage or complications. It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of common dental emergencies and how to provide first aid for them. It is also important to seek professional help as soon as possible so that the issue can be addressed quickly and effectively.