Finding the Right Cosmetic Procedure for Your Smile

Is there a particular issue that’s troubling you about your smile?

Maybe it’s dull or discolored. Or maybe you have broken or missing teeth. Maybe it’s a number of things and you are in need of a complete smile makeover.

Whatever your specific concern is, you’ll be happy to know that Drs. John Zavala and Fred Lewcock at Old Settlers Dental, your cosmetic dentists in Round Rock, TX, have the right solution for you!

We’ll take the time to carefully assess your situation and learn more about your goals and your needs so that we can create a personalized treatment plan to help you have the smile you’ve always wanted.

Your personalized care plan might include one or more of the following:

1. Teeth whitening

Many patients come to see us thinking that their teeth are permanently discolored and they need extensive treatment to help them look bright, white, and beautiful again. What these patients often need is a professional teeth whitening treatment! The teeth whiteners you can buy in drug and grocery stores simply don’t compare to professional treatments. We’ll examine your teeth and see if professional teeth whitening can help you meet your goals.

2. Cosmetic bonding

Bonding using tooth-colored composite material is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that can often be completed in just one appointment. The material is applied to the tooth and then cured for a long-term, durable bond. Composite can be color-matched to your natural tooth color so the bonded tooth blends in well with the rest of your smile. This treatment is great for areas of discoloration, repairing chips and cracks, and lengthening short or worn teeth.

3. Porcelain veneers

Veneers are often the secret behind the flawless smiles of our favorite celebrities. Did you know it’s actually fairly simple to get a movie-star quality smile of your very own? We can place a single veneer to conceal one problematic tooth or we can completely makeover your entire smile. These versatile porcelain shells are strong, stain-resistant, and often last for a decade with good oral hygiene and regular check-ups.

4. Orthodontics

If the teeth that show when you smile are out of proper alignment, you might be feeling self-conscious. This problem can also affect your oral health. Aligner treatment with Invisalign or short-term clear bracket treatment with Six Month Smiles could quickly and discreetly improve the appearance of your teeth.

Call for a consultation!

We have transformed many smiles over the years (see our Smile Gallery for details!) and we would love to help you. Call today to schedule your consultation and assessment with Old Settlers Dental.

Related Services: Cosmetic Dentistry