New Year, New Benefits – Schedule Your Cleaning

With the beginning of the new year, we all get busy making our resolutions to get in shape, eat healthier and just take better care of ourselves. But how many people think about their dental health at the same time? With the new year starting, your insurance benefits may begin again. Take the opportunity to review your benefits and take advantage of them. Dental health has been shown to connect to your overall health.

Preventative Dental Care

Most people go for their routine physicals and other preventative care, but most don’t get their teeth cleaned as often as they should. It’s recommended to get a cleaning every six months, but a lot of people only go once a year. Check your benefits to see what preventative care is available so we can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy.

At Home Dental Hygiene

Make sure to keep those professionally cleaned teeth looking great with proper dental hygiene at home. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums clean. Dental care is essential to your health. Poor oral health can lead to health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as many others.

During the holidays, we eat a lot of sugary and starchy foods which can cause plaque buildup on your teeth. Without proper cleaning, this can lead to tartar, cavities and gum disease. Proper cleaning and preventative care along with drinking plenty of water will help eliminate this problem before it gets worse.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Dental Appointments

When you start scheduling your annual appointments, call and set an appointment with our office so we can help you bring in the new year with a great smile and healthy teeth. We can help you maintain your oral health as easily as your other doctors can help you maintain the rest.

Related Services: General Dentistry