Dental crowns are used for a variety of treatments. A crown is a custom-fit tooth-shaped cover for your natural tooth that can restore the look and feel of your natural tooth. This cap is sometimes required in your dental procedure, and it’s a great option for many patients.

Here are some of the benefits: 

  • Aesthetically pleasing: Dental crowns are a great option for the actual appearance of your teeth. Because they are custom made to fit your teeth, you can choose a porcelain crown to actually look and feel more like a natural tooth. 
  • Improved teeth: If you have a misshapen, uneven, or chipped tooth, a dental crown can restore the cosmetic look of your teeth. Depending on what other dental treatments you need, a crown can greatly improve the look and strength of your smile!
  • Stain resistant: Unlike natural teeth, crowns are usually fairly stain resistant. This means that you won’t have to worry about discoloration over time, which can sometimes be an issue with other treatment options. 
  • Permanent: Unlike dentures, dental crowns are actually cemented to your natural tooth. This means that you won’t have to worry about any slipping or movement from your crown as long as they are cared for properly. 
  • Protection: When you receive a dental crown because of a decayed or infected tooth, the crown will protect that tooth from any further infection in the future. This means that you won’t have another root canal occur in the same tooth. 
  • Comfortable: Dental crowns are very comfortable. Since they are custom fit to your teeth, most patients can’t even feel the difference between their dental crown a natural tooth. And because you don’t have to worry about any movement on your crown, you can feel comfortable eating normally. 

Your dentist may recommend a dental crown for a variety of reasons. Crowns are sometimes used to protect a weak tooth and prevent any possible breakage, or to restore a very worn down tooth. A crown is needed after a root canal treatment, which requires that your dentist drill into your tooth. This treatment is also used in conjunction with a dental implant, once the implant has fully healed, to provide a full and natural looking tooth. 

Dental Crowns Round Rock TX

If you have any questions about dental crowns, or if you think you may be a candidate for this treatment, call our office today for more information. Our team can schedule an evaluation with our dentist to determine the best options for your unique needs!